For a friend gone too soon
The Grim Reaper poems series #1
Attempts at writing... Short stories, poetry, essays, and a novel someday...
The Grim Reaper poems series #1
Inspired by Nature series #1
From the Dark Corners series #1
This is something I wrote after watching Body and Soul, choreographed by Crystal Pite (one of my favourite choreographers of all times) for the Paris Opera Ballet. A flow of words came to me, raw and underwhelming compared to this mind-blowing work.
Words Inspired by Dance series #1
Une nouvelle écrite en 2007, et retravaillée en 2021. Toute ressemblance avec une situation récente serait donc purement fortuite.
Mais il est certain que cette situation m'a poussée à retourner sur cette nouvelle, que je voyais soudain sous un nouveau jour. Je n'ai cependant pas retravaillé le fond à la lueur de la pandémie, uniquement la forme.
Et donc la voici.
Haiku series #3
Haiku series #2
Haiku series #1
“The Monarchs are late.”
All the conversations around the table suddenly stopped. Fifteen pairs of eyes turned, like one of those perfectly synchronized flocks of birds, staring at my great-grand-mother. Nobody had heard my Bila's voice in almost three years. Since her beloved husband had died. We all thought her mind had left with him, her shell patiently waiting for the end.